Welcome to Sambapita! We’re thrilled to have you join our family. Please review and electronically sign the experiencer agreement to get started. Should you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at


Parties: The following parties, (“Experiencer”, if left blank, the individual completing this purchase) and Crazy Yard Unipessoal Lda, enter into this agreement. By purchasing an event, trip, or guide, the experiencer acknowledges Sambapita’s policies and agrees to abide by them within the scope of this agreement.

Scheduled Event Details: The experiencer has selected a scheduled event offered via Sambapita. Once selected, this choice cannot be changed or transferred to a different event or date.


Investment: The experiencer agrees to pay the total fee stated at the time of reservation.

Credit Card Payment/Processing:  Sambapita uses a third-party credit card processing company for payments. Experiencer must update payment information promptly if necessary.

Declined Payment:
If payment is declined, a courtesy email will be sent. Failure to submit payment within seven (7) business days may result in booking cancellation.


Experiencer understands the coordination involved in planning and executing trips. Cancellation policies are as follows:

  • Cancellations: Sambapita reserves the right to retain 100% of all paid funds for cancellations. Experiencer must utilize mandatory travel insurance for refunds.
  • Refund Policy: A 100% refund (less processing fees) is available within seven (7) days of booking, provided the trip start date is more than six (6) months away.
  • Payment Disputes: Experiencer agrees not to file payment disputes or chargebacks. Any such action may result in repayment and associated fees.


Experiencer is responsible for travel documents and insurance:

  • Passport and Travel Documents: Experiencer must ensure a valid passport and secure any required visas.
  • Travel Insurance: Experiencer must purchase travel insurance covering various aspects, including COVID-19-related issues, within fourteen (14) days of booking.
  • Purchase of Airline Ticket: Experiencer is responsible for purchasing airline tickets and providing copies to Sambapita.


  • Electronic Signature: Digital signatures hold the same validity as handwritten ones.
  • No Modification: Any changes to this agreement require written consent from both parties.
  • Force Majeure: Sambapita may be excused from obligations due to uncontrollable events. Refunds will not be provided; Experiencer must seek reimbursement via travel insurance.
  • Transferability: This agreement is not transferable without Sambapita’s written permission.
  • Governing Law: This contract is governed by the laws of Portugal.
  • Dispute Resolution: Disputes should be resolved through mediation.
  • Reservation Cancellation: Sambapita reserves the right to cancel reservations within seven (7) days of initial payment.

By entering into this Agreement, you are agreeing to its terms and conditions. If you have any queries or require clarification on any point, please contact us at

SAMBAPITA – Experience the World with Us!